IPTV Billing & Subscriber Management System
IPTV Billing & Subscriber Management System
- Basic functions of the IPTV billing software are:
- subscriber database maintenance
- rating and charging for the IPTV service
- creation and management of tariff plans
- creation of accounting documents (invoices)
- access cards management
- financial reporting
The IPTV billing system can be integrated with any third-party software controlling services of other types (e.g., Internet access, VoIP, etc.).
We have been developing and supporting billing software for telcos as a core product offering since 2001 and implemented accounting schemes of various complexity for communication services. Besides standard rating schemes, we can implement almost any custom business logic. All specific requirements of a customer are taken into account.
Above price used for 1,000 subscriber. For more subscribers request, feel free to contact me
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